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- åMenus
- This section describes each of HoWSample’s menus.
- xThe Apple Menu
- • About HoWSample…
- This command opens HoWSample’s About dialog, which invites you to try
- Balloon Help or Help on Wheels to learn more about HoWSample.
- xThe File Menu
- • Quit (Command-Q)
- This command quits HoWSample.
- xThe Edit Menu
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- • Undo (Command-Z)
- This command is not used by HoWSample. It is present only for desk
- accessories.
- • Cut (Command-X)
- This command cuts selected text to the clipboard. It is used only with
- desk accessories and dialogs containing text fields.
- • Copy (Command-C)
- This command copies selected text to the clipboard. It is used only with
- desk accessories and dialogs containing text fields.
- • Paste (Command-V)
- This command inserts the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor
- location or replaces the currently selected text by the contents of the
- clipboard. It is used only with desk accessories and dialogs containing
- text fields.
- • Clear
- This command clears the selected text in a desk accessory or dialogs
- containing text fields.
- xThe Demo Menu
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- • Do-Nothing… (Command-D)
- This command does nothing, except bring up the do-nothing dialog.
- See the section entitled “The Do-Nothing Dialog” for more information
- about the do-nothing dialog.
- xThe Help Menu
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- • About Balloon Help…
- This command, supplied by System software, tells you how to use Balloon
- Help. HoWSample supports Balloon Help.
- • Show/Hide Balloons
- This command, supplied by System software, lets you turn Balloon Help
- on and off. HoWSample supports Balloon Help.
- • HoWSample Help
- This command asks Help on Wheels to display HoWSample’s help file. This
- will start the help server if it was not already running. If the help server
- cannot be found on any mounted volume, HoWSample will offer to save a
- readable copy of the help file as a TeachText file, then ask Finder to open
- the file. If the help file is missing or invalid, this command is disabled.
- Pressing the Help or Command-? key at any time does the same thing.
- When there is a dialog box on your screen, such as the do-nothing dialog,
- the menu command is disabled, and the keyboard is the only way to
- display help.
- • Dialog Help
- This command does the same thing as the HoWSample Help command, but
- scrolls the help display to show the section entitled “Dialogs.”
- • Menu Help
- This command does the same thing as the HoWSample Help command, but
- scrolls the help display to show the section entitled “Menus.”
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- åRevision History
- Click on any underlined item in this listing to read more about the revision
- it describes.
- 1.2 (October 17, 1994)
- • Public AWOL Utilities 1.2 release.
- • No revisions.
- 1.1 (March 28, 1994)
- • Public AWOL Utilities 1.1 release.
- 1.0.5 (March 27, 1994)
- • No revisions.
- 1.0.4 (March 13, 1994)
- • Added support for an “extension” symbol in HoWRez.{language}.r, so
- that a useful message is generated if the user tries to open or print an
- extension or control panel’s separate help file when the help server is
- absent.
- 1.0.3 (February 27, 1994)
- • Corrected an incompatibility with SpeedyFinder7’s Help menu removal
- option which prevented help display.
- • Corrected an error in the documentation of HoWFindHelpFile.
- • Allowed the application to operate without a preferences file (for
- example, when startup disk is locked).
- 1.0.2 (January 30, 1994)
- • No revisions.
- 1.0.1 (January 19, 1994)
- • If the help server is absent when HoWSample requests help, and the
- user agrees to save the help file as a TeachText document, the file is split
- into parts small enough for TeachText to handle.
- • Added HoWOpen function to HoWLib. Control panels and extensions can
- now launch the server to show their help files.
- • Calls to HoWOpen and background-only calls to HoWDisplay now cause
- no-alert TeachText document launch if server is absent.
- • Corrected bug in cvrt tool which gave too much or too little vertical
- space to pictures.
- • Appended “ •” to name of text file saved by HoWDisplay or HoWOpen,
- to avoid collision with help file.
- 1.0.0 (October 2, 1993)
- • Initial AWOL Utilities 1.0 release.